en: permission_view_hidden_content: View hidden content glyph_left_quote: “ glyph_right_quote: ” label_custom_wiki_macro_plural: Custom Wiki macros label_custom_wiki_macro_new: New macro notice_custom_macro_edit: While editing the macro remember, that it may be already used! text_custom_wiki_macro_name_info: Only lower case letters (a-z), numbers and underscores are allowed. text_custom_wiki_macro_desc_info: 'Wiki syntax is supported. Example:' text_custom_wiki_macro_desc_sample: Displays a list of all available macros, including description if available. text_custom_wiki_macro_content_info: 'HTML is supported. Syntax for arguments:' text_custom_wiki_macro_named_argument: '%{name} - named argument specified using: name=value.' text_custom_wiki_macro_unnamed_argument: '%[1] - unnamed argument specified as just value.' text_custom_wiki_macro_body: '%(*) - text body of the macro.' label_mentions: Mentions label_user_mentions: Mentions of %{value} label_view_all_mentions: View all mentions label_total_number_of_mentions: Total number of mentions label_user_mentioned: User mentioned mail_subject_you_mentioned: You have been mentioned mail_body_you_mentioned: You have been mentioned in %{title}. mail_body_check_mention: To check the mention go to label_autocomplete_debounce: Debounce for user mention autocomplete label_nickname_custom_field: Nickname custom field label_mention_rule: Mention rule label_ms: ms text_mention_rule_settings: If specified, enables a Wiki toolbar button for quickly inserting user mentions.